
High-quality acrylamide crystals suitable for a variety of industrial applications

Our company specializes in selling high-purity acrylamide products, including 98% Acrylamide crystals and 30%, 40%, and 50% concentration aqueous solutions. These products are necessary for the production of various homopolymers, copolymers and modified polymers, and are widely used as flocculants in industries such as oil field drilling, pharmaceuticals, metallurgy, papermaking, coatings, textiles, wastewater treatment, soil improvement and even construction for waterproofing Grout material. As a comprehensive supplier in the acrylamide downstream industry chain, we welcome you to explore the potential of our products and consider cooperation.

Our high-quality acrylamide products play a vital role in a variety of industrial processes. They are used in the synthesis of polymers and are key components in the production of materials with different properties. In addition, acrylamide is an important component in flocculant formulations and is widely used in wastewater treatment and soil improvement. In addition, in construction, acrylamide can also help waterproof grouting, effectively solving leakage and water blockage problems.

Product advantages:
Solid crystalline form of acrylamide with 98% purity ensuring consistent and reliable performance during polymerization. Aqueous solutions are available in a variety of concentrations, providing convenience and ease of use in different applications. Our products are backed by strict quality control measures, ensuring they meet the highest industry standards. The versatility and effectiveness of our acrylamide products make them the first choice for a variety of industrial applications.

Product principle:
As a monomer, acrylamide polymerizes to form polymers with a variety of properties, making it an essential component in the production of various industrial materials. In the form of a flocculant, acrylamide helps aggregate suspended particles in water, promoting their removal and purification. In construction applications, acrylamide’s properties facilitate effective waterproofing of grouts, meeting a critical need in the industry.

In summary, our comprehensive range of high-quality acrylamide products meets the diverse needs of downstream industries. With a focus on purity, reliability and performance, we are committed to providing essential solutions for polymer production, flocculation, construction and a variety of industrial processes. We welcome you to explore the potential of our acrylamide products and look forward to the opportunity to work with you.

Post time: Jun-26-2024